Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata) is a beautiful and long-lived native perennial flower that covers the hillsides in yellow in the spring. The plant gets its name from the attractive and showy arrowhead-shaped leaves that are large and silvery green. From May to late June or early July, the plant will feature cheerful yellow flowers that resemble sunflowers. These flowers are highly attractive to pollinators while blooming and to birds when the seeds appear. Arrowleaf Balsamroot is a extremely tough plants once established. Their taproots can extend over 8 feet deep, making them very resilient to drought, fire, trampling, and grazing. They have also been used historically for medicinal purposes, including body aches, blisters and sores, bruises and wounds, and cough. Blooms may not appear until the second, or even third, season of growth.
Photo Credit: Jim Morefield
Each seed packet contains 0.5 grams, or approximately 50 seeds.
Arrowleaf Balsamroot Seed
Irrigation Requirement: Very Low (Water to Establish)
Mature Size: 12-30" tall and 1-2' wide
Spacing: 12" apart
Bloom Colors: Yellow
Bloom Season: May - June
Hardiness Zone: 4 - 7
Light Requirement: Full Sun, can tolerate Partial Shade
Deer Resistant: No
Salt Tolerant: Somewhat
Soils: Prefers well-drained sand or loamy soils. Does well in rocky soils.