Desert Globemallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua) is a perennial shrub with a showy display of cup-shaped blossoms in the spring. The species usually blooms red and orange, but can be highly variable with pink, lavender, and white blooms a possibility as well. The blooms are loved by pollinators and visited by several types of bees. Although this plant is short lived, it will maintain its presence in the garden by reseeding and has a vigorous growth rate. Plant in rock gardens, dry mediterranean gardens, or other dry desert gardens. It does well with dry, cold winters, but not excessive winter moisture.
Each seed packet contains 0.5 grams, or approximately 400-500 seeds.
Desert Globemallow Seed
Irrigation Requirement: Very Low (Water to Establish)
Mature Size: 3 - 4' tall and 2 - 3' wide
Spacing: 36"
Bloom Colors: Orange or Red (common), Purple, pink, white
Bloom Season: March or April - June
Hardiness Zone: 6 - 9
Light Requirement: Full Sun
Deer Resistant: No
Salt Tolerant: Unknown
Soils: Grows in sandy or loam soils that are well-drained.