Oregon Checkermallow (Sidalcea oregana) is a beautiful wildflower that brightens landscapes in the spring and early summer with a show of pink, cup shaped flowers that somewhat resemble Hollyhocks. This species is somewhat variable. Flowers can be more loosely arranged or tightly compact and leaves can be shallow or deeply lobed. While most native Checkermallows require sites with ample moisture, Oregon Checkermallow is more adaptive to drier sites, although it will almost always require some supplemental irrigation. Use Oregon Checkermallow in regular garden beds and borders, cottage gardens, the edge of woodland or shade gardens, or in meadow plantings.
Expected 2025 Availability- Late April
Oregon Checkermallow
Irrigation Requirement: Low (1/2" every 10-14 days) to Moderate (1/2" every 7-10 days) *preferred
Mature Size: 2 - 3' tall and 18 - 24" wide
Spacing: 12 - 18" apart
Bloom Colors: Pink
Bloom Season: June - August
Hardiness Zone: 6 - 10
Light Requirement: Full Sun or Partial Shade
Deer Resistant: Moderately
Salt Tolerant: No
Soils: Tolerates a wide range of soils, including sand, loam, or clay soils if well-drained.
Plants in the Sidalcea genus are host plants for 5 known pollinators in Northern Utah. Oregon Checkermallow is also provides nectar and pollen to many local pollinators.