Rocky Mountain Maple (Acer glabrum) is one of our native maples found all over the state of Utah. Although it can be grown as a single trunk tree, it is more commonly grown as a multi-stemmed small tree or large shrub. Due to its size, color, and growth habit, Rocky Mountain Maple has been used in native gardens as an alternative to Japanese Maple. This hardy plant features smooth, green leaves that commonly turn shades of red in the fall. Inconspicuous flowers turn into U-shaped, winged "helicopter" seeds that will commonly be pink when they first mature in the summer. Rocky Mountain Maple provides wonderful long-season interest and ecological benefits to large garden beds, woodland, and shade plantings. Although Rocky Mountain Maple is tolerant of a range of conditions, in valley areas it will perform best when grown in partial shade with regular supplemental moisture.
Expected 2025 Availability- Late April to Early May
Photo Credit: Matt Lavin and Chris Light
Rocky Mountain Maple
Irrigation Requirement: Very Low (Water to Establish) (give supplemental water during dry summers), Low (1/2" every 10-14 days), or Moderate (1/2" every 7-10 days). Low or Moderate preferred for most sites.
Mature Size: Up to 20 - 25' tall and 12 - 15' wide, but 15' tall or less is more common.
Bloom Colors: Inconspicuous
Bloom Season: May - June
Hardiness Zone: 4 - 7
Light Requirement: Full Sun or Partial Shade
Deer Resistant: No
Salt Tolerant: Moderately
Soils: Tolerates a wide range of soils, including sand, loam, or clay soils. Prefers well-drained soils, but can tolerate some heavy clay as well.
Plants in the Acer genus are known host plants for 86 pollinators in northern Utah. Rocky Mountain Maple is also a wonderful habitat plant for birds and other small animals and provides seeds for birds.