Saskatoon Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) 'Northline' is a versatile and hardy native shrub cultivar perfect for Utah landscapes. Known for its stunning year-round appeal, this cultivar thrives in a variety of conditions and is an excellent choice for food forests. This compact, upright shrub produces beautiful clusters of white flowers in early spring, followed by sweet, dark purple berries that ripen in mid-summer. These berries are not only delicious but also attract a variety of birds, making it a great addition to any wildlife-friendly garden. The 'Northline' cultivar is known for its superior fruit quality, offering a larger and more abundant harvest than the straight species serviceberry, in a more compact size. With its deep green, finely textured foliage that turns a vibrant orange-red in the fall, the 'Northline' provides a stunning color display throughout the year. Its adaptability to Utah’s diverse climate makes it ideal for both urban and rural settings, thriving in both sun and partial shade. Add to garden beds, woodland plantings, food forests or permaculture gardens for beauty and fruit production.
Expected 2025 Availability- Late April
Saskatoon Serviceberry 'Northline'
Irrigation Requirement: Low (1/2" every 10-14 days) to Moderate (1/2" every 7-10 days)
Mature Size: 6' tall and wide
Spacing: 5 - 6'
Bloom Colors: White
Bloom Season: April - May
Hardiness Zone: 3 - 10
Light Requirement: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Deer Resistant: No
Salt Tolerant: Unknown
Soils: Prefers loam or sand soils. Will tolerate clay if amended to improve drainage.
Plants in the Amelanchier genus are host species to 58 known native pollinators in northern Utah. Serviceberry also supplies nectar early in the season for pollinators and berries, nesting sites, cover, and habitat for birds and small animals.