White Prairie Clover (Dalea candida) is an attractive native perennial featuring a compact cylindrical spire of white flowers that bloom and open from the bottom to the top. These white flowers will bloom from late spring or early summer through the end of summer usually in Utah and are very attractive to native pollinators. Birds also enjoy the seeds when blooming ends. White Prairie Clover is also a valuable companion plant for other plants around it, since its taproot fixes nitrogen in the soil. Plant in dry garden beds and borders, cottage gardens, rock gardens, or prairie or meadow plantings.
Each seed packet contains 1 gram, or approximately 750 seeds.
White Prairie Clover Seed
Irrigation Requirement: Very Low (Water to Establish) or Low (1/2" every 10-14 days)
Mature Size: 1 - 2' tall and 10"- 2' wide
Spacing: 10 - 18"
Bloom Colors: White
Bloom Season: June - August
Hardiness Zone: 3 - 8
Light Requirement: Full Sun
Deer Resistant: No
Salt Tolerant: Unknown
Soils: Prefers well-drained sandy or loam soils, but can handle well-draining clay